Dental Care while Pregnant

The Importance of Getting Dental Care While Pregnant by Fremont Dentists, Dr. Nijja and Dr. Sahota

Pregnancy is an important time in a woman’s life, both for the mother and child. Most women are so busy planning for their baby’s future and making sure they give their future child their best start that they don’t think about requirements for their own health. But your health is just as important as your baby’s!

Drs. Maninder Niijar and Ruchi Sahota with Fremont Family Dentists will walk you through treatment options while pregnant, and ensure your safety.  Most people don’t know that while pregnant, women experience an increase in gum sensitivity and an increased risk for periodontal disease due to hormonal changes. Your risk for gingivitis increases greatly, making preventive care more imperative.

This is why visiting a dentist while pregnant is vital to a woman’s health- it helps prevent problems from forming, and keeps expectant mothers, and their babies, healthy. After all, your oral health is definitely linked to your overall health.

Many women avoid the dentist because they think it’s unsafe while pregnant, but that’s just not true. Dental treatments during pregnancy are mostly harmless.

Is Local Anesthesia Safe During Pregnancy?

Generally, yes, many local anesthetics used for dental work are considered safe during pregnancy!

The FDA uses labeling rules to determine the safety of certain drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This method provides a more reliable method of informing patients about the risks of certain forms of anesthesia used during dental treatments.

Category B: Lidocaine, Prilocaine, and Etidocaine have been given the USDA pregnancy Category B. This means that animal studies failed to show a risk to a growing fetus with these drugs, but there’s no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Although studies show these drugs to be virtually harmless, we recommend treatments requiring local anesthetic to be put off until the second trimester.

Category C: Mepivacaine, Bupivacaine, and Articaine were placed in Category C. This means that animal studies have shown an adverse effect with these drugs to a growing fetus, however there aren’t adequate or well-controlled studies with women. We suggest staying away from Category C anesthetics at any time during pregnancy to avoid the risk.

Make Your Dental Care a Priority

Don’t forget about your dental health while pregnant. It is important to follow a good oral hygiene routine - be sure to brush, floss, and use mouthwash every day. Visit your dentist for regular teeth cleanings, and if you develop an active infection, it’s best to be treated during your second trimester if possible. At the Fremont dental office of Ruchi Sahota and Maninder Njjar, we also request that patients bring a medical clearance from their OBGYN when necessary, for dental work just to stay on the same page as your doctor. And while dental work is not unsafe while pregnant, it’s always wise to save elective surgery or dental work until after delivery.
Give us a call today, and schedule an appointment!


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